Friday, April 20, 2007

Mystery of Mrazek pond revealed

I finally know the story of Mrazek pond! Mr.Wilcox, park ranger in Everglades National Park sent me the history of this small lake:

"Mrazek Pond was named for Vincent J. Mrazek, park ranger at Coot Bay Pond, and later a park naturalist for five years at Flamingo between 1962 and 1967. This pond was formally known as Barney’s Pond for Barney Parker, the first ranger at Everglades National Park."

So, now I know that unfortunately it wasn't named in honour of our relative so I can't request returning this gorgeous natural place back to my family ;). Anyway, it showed me even something more important - how are some people here nice and worry about others. When I was talking to some park ranger in Everglades and asking her about this place I really didn't expect that she is gonna ask another ranger and he will shoot me a mail with the history of this pond.

I just can't stop wondering what's going on here sometimes, every day some new surprise and learning... Have a great day and hopefully you will meet such helpful people as well.

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