Monday, March 19, 2007

Alligators, birds and who know what else in Everglades in Florida

Everglade National Park is on of the most beautiful parts of Florida. Known for its alligators, crocodiles and birds population is unique collection of animals and plants. We arrived to Everglades in the night and kind of afraid of building our tent in the middle of unknown country full of alligators drove to a campground in the south Everglades. Fortunately in the camp there were many people and for the first look no alligators. So, we could build our quality tent from Wall mart for $50...

Next day it was nice weather, sunny and warm as every day of our stay in Florida. So we went to explore beauty of Everglades...

Mangroves are most typical plant in Everglades which is a swamp originally. "Walking Trees" have roots in the water and there are couple of species of mangroves.

And on the mangroves there are some weird kind of plants related to pineapple...

In Everglades there are different kind of birds...

We of course met some alligators, took a boat ride in Everglades canals and much more. Look forward on pictures tomorrow...

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