Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo

After 3 weeks without day off I'm finally taking one. It's 11 PM and in couple hours we are leaving camp to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. As I said we are setting off at 2 at the night, so there are at least 6 hours of night driving ahead of us.

We are going in 10 people (I'm going with other guys from kitchen and dining hall) in 2 cars. Btw. the rental of car - it's an another story. I almost freaked out today when we were renting a car. The guys from a car rental (big American car rental - Enterprise) were supposed to pick us up at 5 in the camp. As it normally happens it started to rain 10 to 5PM. In spite of raining we were waiting for them by the main gate to our camp. 10 minutes, nothing, 15, nothing... then somebody from the rental called me that they will come in 15 minutes or so. But the didn't and we waited there for another hour before they finally came. I almost stopped believe that they'll show up and i started to say bye to my another try to get my day off.

But finally we got our car and we can hit the road soon! Viva Niagara's!

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