Thursday, July 12, 2007

Gas Station, 5 AM, Saracause, NY

So, very quick post - we stopped in the gas station near to Saracause, about 2 hours far away of Buffalo. And that's the end of my message to you, because the guys from other car we waited for are here, so we're hitting the road again. I'll keep u updated what's going on...


Anonymous said...

ahoj amíku:-) tak kdy se vrátíš k nám do Evropy? jinak moc podařené fotky ti řeknu. Verča Z.

Pavel said...

Cauuuuu!!!! no vracim se koncem zari, presne 23.9., takze asi zameskam prvni tyden skoly ;) ale pak do toho zase naletim jak drak... co ty, jak se vede? jak travis leto?