Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wine meeting in the South Moravia

Still hangovered from yesterday burcak party (typical Czech type of short-time fermented wine) in my home faculty I wanna invite all friends to wine cellar in the South Moravia. Wine-tasting is a typical South-Moravian custom well known all around. So, come to experience great Moravian wine in this very special setting on November 2nd... Looking forward to all people who can come! Let me know who wanna come...


Macek said...

Nazdar Pavle, vitej doma, koukam, ze svuj pobyt v Cechach zacinas velmi pekne :-)

Pavel said...

cau marcelo, diky, ja zase zdravim do Vidne. no, nenudim se tady, i kdyz do Ameriky bych se vratil hned ;) co ty, jak se mas? sem videl ze planujes jet do San Francisca...